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  1. Research stay abroad from Carlsberg Foundation grant: SME resilience and sustainability

    Amjad Naveed

    Funding for field trip (research stay abroad) to foreign research institute (University of Queensland, Australia), by Carlsberg Foundation Denmark. 4 months stay - visit in different time periods from 2022 to 2024Beskrivelse


  2. Port Effectiveness and Public Private Cooperation for Competitiveness (PEPP II)

    Annette Skovsted Hansen , George Acheampong , Casper Andersen , Torben Andersen , Jonas Nii Ayi Aryee , Martin Arvad Nicolaisen , George van Dyck & Abena Yeboah-Banin

    A multidisciplinary and -national team of Ghanaian and Danish researchers engage in a three year research project financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to address the question how communication, gender, and sustainability affect the cluster performance of the Port of Tema in Ghana. We approach the question from different angles ranging from quantitative survey datat to longitudinal anthropological observations and qualitative multilayered interviews with port workers, politicians, port officials, domestic and foreign investors, and representatives from the surrounding communities.Beskrivelse


  3. Overcoming the Challenges of a Circular Economy

    Anne Gammelgaard Ballantyne

    AU Interdisciplinary SDG network:

    Resources are limited, waste incineration is an inefficient use of resources, and dumping waste at landfills is a source of environmental pollution. Therefore, we need to prevent waste creation, sort our waste, and reuse as much as possible in order to limit the negative environmental impact and save the resources of the planet, and we need to educate the citizens accordingly.

    Waste and recycling constitute a key focus area in the modern world. We need to go from a linear to a circular economy where reuse and recycle are key words.

    Preventing waste creation and facilitating better waste management are major parts of UN's Sustainable Development Goal 12 Responsible Consumption and Production and appear in several other SDGs. For example SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities speaks directly of the necessity to improve current municipal and other waste management.

    Wrongly handled waste may lead to environmental pollution, thus endangering the environment (SDGs 6, 14 and 15) and public health (SDG 3). Waste prevention and proper waste management also facilitate climate action (SDG 13).

    Furthermore, societal stakeholders as well as broadcast and social media increasingly focus on issues such as food waste (SDG 12), green energy (SDG 7), and a circular economy (SDG 9) – all of which are topics that ultimately relate to ways of avoiding, reducing, reusing and re-valuing waste.

    However, for a circular economy to materialize in the future, we need to solve the complex problem of efficient waste and resource management holistically, on a large scale, and with the involvement of all societal players (SDG 17). OCCE will work towards these goals.Beskrivelse


  4. Omstilling til klimagunstig feriepraksis

    Lars Kjerulf Petersen , Anne Gammelgaard Ballantyne , Jonas Andreasen Lysgaard , Katinka Bundgård Fals , Ana Horta & Stefan Bengtsson

    Kan klimahensyn blive en del af folks ferievaner, og hvad skal der til for at bæredygtige vaner bliver en del af vores fælles forestillinger om det gode liv? Det er de spørgsmål, dette projekt vil udforske og dermed levere resultater der kan bidrage til en grøn omstilling af såvel hverdags- som ferieliv – og samtidig bidrage til den videnskabelige forståelse af grøn omstilling. Der er brug for omfattende teknologisk udvikling for at vi kan gennemføre den grønne omstilling og indfri de ambitiøse danske mål for reduktion af drivhusgasudledningerne. Men vi klarer aldrig den grønne omstilling uden sociale og kulturelle ændringer, altså ændringer i folks normer og adfærd. Netop ferielivet er ét af de områder, hvor der er brug for bæredygtig omstilling. Flyrejser til nære og fjerne destinationer, krydstogter og andre af de hidtil dominerende ferieformer er alle ansvarlige for store og hastigt stigende CO2-udledninger, men samtidig er ferie- og rejselivet forbundet med væsentlige kulturelle og sociale værdier. Det er derfor vigtigt at forstå de processer, hvorigennem forestillingerne om den gode ferie ændres, og de processer hvorigennem klima- og bæredygtighedshensyn bliver integreret i menneskers livsverden. Projektet fokuserer således på uformelle læringsprocesser som et centralt element i udviklingen af nye forestillinger og kompetencer vedrørende ferielivet. Som en integreret del heraf fokuserer projektet samtidig på sociale og konventionelle mediers rolle i omstillings- og læringsprocesser.Beskrivelse
