Job Searching in Denmark
At this event Career Consultant, Kate Dahl will use her own experience being an American in Denmark as a starting point for giving you general advice on how to go about the Danish labor market.
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VIA-UC, Birk Centerpark 5, Herning
In recent decades the labor market in Denmark has seen an increasing number of people with international backgrounds. However, many people struggle to get a footing and land a job that matches their skill level.
At this event Career Consultant, Kate Dahl will use her own experience being an American in Denmark as a starting point for giving you general advice on how to go about the Danish labor market. Through the story of her successes and failures, she will focus on the importance of having intercultural and interpersonal communication skills, training and present internationals with strategies to communicate their value to Danish companies.
Following Kates journey we will have a tasting of Danish delicacies and drinks.
14:45: Cake, Coffee and Network
15:30: Presentation begins: An International’s Story by Kate Dahl
17:30-18:00: Danish Delicacies and Drinks-tasting
Location: VIA University College in Herning, Birk Centerpark 5, 7400 Herning. Auditorium, Building E or you are welcome to join Kate’s presentation online. Let us know which attendance you prefer when signing up.
Participation is free. If you join us at VIA also cake, coffee and tasting-menu is included. Limited number of testing-menues are available so don’t hesitate to sign up.
Sign up no later than 15th May by emailing Nanna Holmgaard Andersen, AU: