Syed Ali Hassan has completed his graduation in Software engineering from Mohammad Ali Jinnah University (Pakistan) and completed post-graduation in I.T. Convergence Engineering from Kumoh National Institute of Technology (South Korea).He has been awarded a fully-funded Professor Scholarship in wens lab South Korea. He has a work experience of more than 8 years and has Developed Several AR/VR/MR and deep learning-based applications. He has both an industrial and academic work experience.
His latest projects are revolving around computer vision and robotics. Syed Ali Hassan has completed his PhD contract under Marie curie scholarship funded by European union from the Bio robotics institute of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Italy) as EINST4INE ESR2 and currently working as a Postdoc Researcher in Aarhus University Denmark.
Working with universal Robot (UR5) and Dobot M1 pro to develop useful solutions for industries in computer vision domain.
Teaching (AR/VR Application development using Unity).
Teaching (OPENCV)
Teaching (Microsoft PowerApps)
Teaching (C# Progamming)
Teaching (Python Progamming)