Global sourcing and sustainability

Does your company find itself challenged by the delivery service of its suppliers, long lead times, high supply risk and perhaps few global suppliers? Or do you want to know the strength of the forms of supplier collaboration and the supplier platform? Would you like to explore the outsourcing and offshoring potential, or do you grapple with thoughts and ideas about sustainability and circular economy, but lack the resources to analyse the challenges and find solutions based on solid business and supply chain know-how as well as employment of the latest technologies?

In a supply chain project, the company will gain insight into how the supplier platform matches the supply chain capability, lead time, supply flexibility, risk, etc. During the course of the project, analyses and mappings will be made and subsequently used to define possible solutions in collaboration with the company. If relevant, it will be possible to test and qualify potential solutions in one of our labs, for instance through modelling and simulation.

The objective is that, after the project, the student will be able to communicate to supply chain managers and practitioners in a relevant and professional manner about a supply chain challenge. The communication aims to make probable the proposed solutions and the feasibility of possible technical or technological solutions as well as the financial and business-related consequences of completing the project.

What can the company expect from this project?

  • Practice-oriented analyses and solution development: The student works with issues defined by the company with the purpose of developing realistic solutions to current supply chain challenges.
  • Result: Analysis and solutions in the form of a presentation and a report (and lab tests, if relevant). 
  • New colleagues: The company has the opportunity to find students for new projects as well as future employees.

What is required by the company?

  • The company's perceived challenges and its desire to improve its supply chain performance and uncover new opportunities form the basis for a supply chain project.
  • Conduct of meetings with the student during the course of the project.
  • Availability in terms of answering questions from the student by email or phone. 


As for the GMM study programme, these projects are relevant for 4th and 7th semester students. The projects can also form part of the internship on the 5th semester.