Would your company like to work more systematically with quality and quality development - be it through an ISO certification, improved product quality, improved process quality, increased customer orientation in design and development, etc. - but lacks the resources to kick-start the development?
Our students have a thorough knowledge of the most widely used methods for quality assurance such as ISO 9001/ISO 14001, FMEA/PFMEA (failure mode and effect analysis), QFD (design for quality), customer-driven product/process development, design of experiments (statistical product and process development), mean time to failure analyses, etc.
A company project will typically be based on a specific problem that the company would like to have input for/help solving. This could, among other things, take the form of:
- Mapping and analysis of the company's quality assurance with regard to an ISO 9001 certification.
- Mapping and analysis of the company's environmental protection with regard to an ISO 14001 certification.
- FMEA analysis of existing or newly developed products in order to identify potential quality and safety issues.
- PFMEA analysis of existing or newly developed production processes in order to identify potential quality and safety issues in the production, identify specific suggested solutions to such issues as well as implementation.
- Customer-oriented product and process development, including design and execution of customer satisfaction surveys.
- Optimisation of product features through statistical analyses (DOE).
- Optimisation of the efficiency/quality of production processes by optimally adjusting machines through statistical analyses (DOE).
- Analyses of the expected durability of products under different conditions and in different environments through statistical analyses (DOE).
The objective is that, after the project, the student will be better equipped to identify, formulate, communicate and implement the proposed solutions to issues of quality assurance and development.
What can the company expect from this project?
- Practice-oriented analyses and solution development: The student works with issues defined by the company with the purpose of developing realistic solutions to current quality and process problems.
- Result: Analysis and solutions in the form of a presentation and a report. Implementation through education and training of the company's employees/managers.
- New colleagues: The company has the opportunity to find students for new projects as well as future employees.
What is required by the company?
- The company's perceived challenges and its desire to improve the quality of the company and reduce the total quality costs form the basis for a quality assurance/development project.
- Conduct of meetings with the student during the course of the project.
- Availability in terms of answering questions from the student by email or phone.