Research projects

  • Conducting research at BTECH

We live in an ever-changing world, where technology is constantly evolving. Smartphones, tablets and other devices are becoming internet-enabled, making it possible to monitor and control everything – from wind turbines to coffeemakers, electric consumption and smart sockets in houses and buildings.

At BTECH, we have years of experience in working with renewable energies and mobile devices. Incoming exchange students will have the possibility to work with the department's researchers and acquire many skills within renewable energies, electronics and programming.

As a student, you will learn how to conduct a research project. This includes everything from information search to the development of physical equipment, electronics and applications for scientific experiments. You will have access to all facilities at BTECH, including our chemical, electronic and mechanical laboratories, where you can build your constructions and carry out your research activities. A project is usually completed by submitting a scientific paper or a report and followed by an oral examination based on the paper, report and physical development of the equipment.

Having completed a project, you will be able to conduct scientific research according to the standards of the scientific society. Moreover, you will develop a thorough knowledge of the research topic as well as practical skills that enable you to design, calculate and test your mechanical or electronic construction.

Technologies we use in our research

  • Smartphones (iOS, Android and Windows)
  • Wireless technologies (RFID, ZigBee, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth)
  • Microcontrollers (including various communication protocols such as UART, SPI and I2C)
  • Sensors (pressure, temperature, humidity, accelerometer, infrared, gas (CO2, H2, CH4 and O2), ultrasonic, camera, light, current and frequency-to-voltage)
  • Pattern and face recognition technologies
  • Renewable energies (wind turbines, controllers, solar panels and bio-ethanol)
  • Databases and websites (PHP, MySQL and HTML).