For external co-examiners

Below, you will find the information and instructions relevant for co-examiners at the Department of Business Development and Technology.  

External co-examiners for business administration programmes

All external co-examiners are allocated through the External Examiners' Secretariat using the Censor IT system.

Read more about the External Examiners’ Secretariat (in Danish).

It is important that the information that you supply to the Censor IT system is kept up to date at all times, since the Department extracts your contact details and information about your competences and areas of expertise from the Censor IT system.

Log in to Censor IT.

Prior to accepting to act as an external examiner for an exam, the external co-examiners are encouraged to read the relevant course description in the course catalogue.  

 Important links

External co-examiners for engineering programmes

All external co-examiners are allocated through CensorNet - Censorkorps for ingeniøruddannelserne og de tekniske diplomuddannelser. You are able to find practical information, including information about the appointment process for new external examiners at the CensorNet homepage.

Important links

Wireless network

Aarhus University has three wireless networks which can be used all over AU - Eduroam, AU-Guest and AU-Gadget.

Learn how to set up the wireless network.


Payment for the completed examinations will automatically be transferred to your NemKonto (Easy Account) after marking, provided that we have the necessary personal information.

Please note, however, that you are required to complete and submit the travel expenses form below if relevant.

Directions and parking

Find us here

Map of the building

Parking overview

Administrative contacts

Reimbursement of travel expenses, etc.