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  1. GeoEngineering and Negative Emissions Pathways in Europe

    Chad M. Baum , Benjamin Sovacool , Sean Jiaming Low & Livia Bianca Fritz

    The path to climate neutrality needs to explicitly consider the roles of solar geoengineering and negative emissions technologies. A meta-analytical framework where social science, engineering, and physical science disciplines merge is necessary for a comprehensive mapping of this transition. The EU-funded GENIE project will explore the environmental, technical, social, legal, ethical and policy dimensions of greenhouse gas removal and solar radiation management. GENIE aims to produce a comprehensive scientific assessment for evidence-based policymaking to address climate change, and to expand our toolkit for a zero-emissions future.

    Geoengineering technologies, such as solar radiation management (SRM), and negative emissions technologies, such as greenhouse gas removal (GGR), are emerging options to address climate change. This project will investigate the environmental, technical, social, legal, and policy dimensions of GGR and SRM. We provide an urgently needed interdisciplinary and holistic perspective of these technologies in order to understand conditions under which they might be deployed at scale. Our meta-analytical framework integrates insights from social science, engineering and physical science disciplines to provide a comprehensive view of GGR and SRM in the transition to climate neutrality in Europe and the world. The project will conduct excellent research and generate a robust, scientific assessment for evidence-based policymaking. Our research framework consists of three pillars—techno-economic systems, socio-technical systems, and systems of political action—within which we place six work packages (WPs). These are: (1) Understanding the current state and future potential of GGR and SRM technologies in terms of their technical and economic features; (2) Analysing bottlenecks in transitions to climate neutrality and their implications for deployment; (3) Identifying social acceptance and legitimacy constraints, (4) Learning, diffusion, and adoption; (5) Implications for Sustainable Development Goals of archetypical mitigation pathways; and 6) Policy options and governance. A crosscutting WP7 synthesizes research along three salient, but under-researched themes: A) Socio-technical change; B) Managing transition risks; and C) Political economy and feasibility of deployment. WP8 focuses on stakeholder engagement, entailing scenario co-design, science-policy dialogue formats, and specific outreach formats for target groups.Beskrivelse


  2. Novel photo-assisted systems for direct solar-driven reduction of CO2 to energy rich chemicals

    Allan Gross , Peter Enevoldsen , Anne Gammelgaard Ballantyne , Trine Bjørn Olsen & Maja Due Kadenic

    Ethylene is an energy-rich chemical produced from fossil fuels in industry, with high commercial value and a strong presence in the global market. Targeting ethylene as the final product, the EU-funded SUN2CHEM project aims to develop solutions that will result in efficient solar-driven CO2 reduction. To do this, the project will develop all the components to be integrated into tandem photoelectrochemical cells and advanced photocatalytic reactors. It will also conduct environmental and social studies on the new technology in the context of a circular economy, its energy security impacts and the social acceptance of chemicals produced from sunlight conversion. The project will play a role in making us less dependent on fossil fuels and in reducing carbon emissions by CO2 conversion.Beskrivelse


  3. Klimagunstigt ferieliv

    Lars Kjerulf Petersen , Sofie Cold-Ravnkilde , Thomas Mahler , Kathrine Krone Laurent , Eva Diekman & Anne Gammelgaard Ballantyne

    Formålet med dette projekt er at undersøge mulighederne for en omstilling af rejse- og ferielivet i en mere klimavenlig og bæredygtig retning og derigennem også bidrage til en sådan omstilling – for de ferierende såvel som for dem der udbyder ferieoplevelser, overnatning og forplejning.

    Rejser og ferier er forbundet med væsentlige goder såsom berigende oplevelser, sanselig nydelse, personlig dannelse og udvikling, afslapning, kulturmøde og tid med familie og venner. Rejse-/ferielivet og turismen er samtidig en vigtig del af økonomien i mange lokalsamfund. De dominerende rejse- og ferieformer er med flytransporten i centrum – og med en række andre miljøbelastende rejseformer såsom krydstogter og skiferier – imidlertid også forbundet med et hidtil kraftigt stigende klimaaftryk såvel som pres på naturen og pres på lokalbefolkningens livsbetingelser og samværsformer. Pandemien har i øjeblikket sat en stopper for langt de fleste rejseaktiviteter, og såvel flybranchen som andre dele af rejse- og ferielivet vil formentlig være kraftig påvirket af krisen i den kommen tide, hvor meget ferie kommer til at foregå tættere på hjemmet. Det må dog forventes, at rejse- og ferielivet i en eller anden form vil blive genoptaget på den anden side af pandemien. Det er vigtigt, at en sådan genoptagelse samtidig giver anledning til en omstilling i retning af mere klimavenlige og bæredygtige rejser og ferier.

    Projektet er finansieret af Klimafonden i Roskilde Kommune. Beskrivelse
