First newsletter of the LIFE PHARMA-DETOX has been published
LIFE PHARMA-DETOX “Demonstration of an innovative method for the detoxification of pharmaceutical wastewater from pharmaceutical facilities”, is a 4-year project funded by EU LIFE Programme

. The project aims to the development and implementation of an innovative, economically viable and cost-efficient system for the transformation of pharmaceutical compounds, present in wastewater, into non-toxic substances (novel detoxification process). The system will be able to treat the wastewater generated from production activities, ensuring that no APIs would end up in the wastewater sewage system without being processed and detoxified by the system developed. You can read the newsletter here:
The LIFE PHARMA DETOX consortium comprises 6 partners from the pharmaceutical industry, universities and SME from 4 EU countries Cyprus (CY), Greece (GR), Denmark (DK), Italy (IT).