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The CET is very excited to participate in the GeoEngineering and Negative Emission Pathways in Europe project, or as we call it, The GENIE Project. The EU-funded GENIE project will explore the environmental, technical, social, legal, ethical and…
Great news! Article written by George Xydis, Ángel Luis Avilés Orgaz and Jörn Böttcher on 'Solar-powered golf buggies charging on the road' has been picked up by the acclaimed PV magazine - perhaps the best known solar energy magazine in the world.
The project focus on the concept of smart cities/villages and the understanding of this concept by the municipalities who are the ones implementing smart solutions in their environment.
Read Energy Central's news report on Kalliopi Papadopoulou, Christos Alasis and George A. Xydis' article: "On the wind blade's surface roughness due to dust accumulation and its impact on the wind turbine's performance: A heuristic QBlade-based…
Benjamin Sovacool is in the elite group of the top 1% of citations awarded to the top 0.1% of academics.
Europe has more than enough room for far more wind turbines than are currently being erected. Even without disturbing people, animals and nature. A new international research project based at Aarhus BSS in Herning shows that the potential is huge.…
Benjamin Sovacool, Gerardo Zarazua de Rubens and Lance Noel have put together a policy brief with new analyses and recommendations deriving from their study in Nature Energy earlier this year.
Two CET researchers will participate in and present at the 6th Hellenic Forum for Science Technology and Innovation held in Athens, Greece, 10-13 July 2018.
Dimitrios Apostolou will participate in the ICH2P-2018 conference that runs from 16 to 19 July and takes place in Zagreb, Croatia.
Benjamin will be part of Working Group III, responsible for assessing the mitigation of climate change, and lead author for a chapter on 'mitigation and development pathways in the near-to mid-term'.
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