Boykoff, M., Aoyagi, M.
, Ballantyne, A. G., Benham, A., Chandler, P., Daly, M., Doi, K., Fernández-Reyes, R., Hawley, E., Hwang, K., Lee, K., Lyytimäki, J., McAllister, L., McNatt, M., Mervaala, E., Mocatta, G., Nacu-Schmidt, A., Oonk, D., Osborne-Gowey, J. ... Ytterstad, A. (2022).
World Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming, 2004-2022: Media and Climate Change Observatory Data Sets.. Dataset .
Boykoff, M., Aoyagi, M.
, Ballantyne, A. G., Benham, A., Chandler, P., Daly, M., Doi, K., Fernández-Reyes, R., Erin, H., McAllister, L., McNatt, M., Mocatta, G., Nacu-Schmidt, A., Oonk, D., Osborne-Gowey, J., Pearman, O.
, Petersen, L. K., Simonsen, A. H. & Ytterstad, A. (2021).
World Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change or Global Warming, 2004-2020. Media and Climate Change Observatory Data Sets.. Dataset