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Mirko Presser , Madalina Pop & Renée Ridgway
01/01-2024 → 31/12-2024
Ane Cecilie Højstrup Jensen , Amjad Naveed & René Chester Goduscheit
The global imperative to address climate change has placed increasing pressure on corporations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adopt more sustainable business practices (IPCC, 2022). This shift towards environmental sustainability has been particularly pronounced in the Nordic countries, which have long been at the forefront of environmental policy and corporate responsibility (Strand et al., 2015; Sievänen et al., 2017). As companies invest in green initiatives and stakeholders demand greater accountability (Flammer, 2021), a critical question emerges: What is the relationship between a firm's environmental sustainability efforts, specifically its carbon emissions performance, and its financial outcomes?
Using Scope 1-3 and financial data from Bloomberg, the study explores the link between the two amongst Nordic companies.Description
01/11-2023 → 01/11-2024
AUFF -international mobility grant : inviting international researcher (scholar) inhouse mobility. Key elements and value added: Research (collaboration with local researchers) and Teaching (PhD course on Systematic Literature Review) Description
17/08-2024 → 16/09-2024
Funding for field trip (research stay abroad) to foreign research institute (University of Queensland, Australia), by Carlsberg Foundation Denmark. 4 months stay - visit in different time periods from 2022 to 2024Description
01/11-2022 → 30/06-2024