A frosty winter graduation at BTECH
On Friday 25 January, the 2019 winter graduation took place at the Department of Business Development and Technology (BTECH) in Herning. Here more than 80 full-time students celebrated completing their studies.
Smiles were wide all around as family and friends had braved the weather and turned up to celebrate the many graduates, who had been looking forward to this day for months. The day that marks the official end to their studies.
Head of Department Anders Frederiksen welcomed the participants and was followed by Klaus Bonde Ørskov, head of the Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (DAMRC), who gave the celebration speech. He encouraged the graduates to nurture their networks, be grateful and have a confident yet humble approach toward the challenges that are now at their feet.
“I neither want to nor do I have the ability to tell you how to live your lives or manage your careers. But I can tell you about my own experiences and offer you a few pieces of advice. Treat everyone you meet in the same way you want them to treat you. This is an old rule of conduct, but one that has only become more relevant along with increased globalisation and the use of social media. You’ll meet many people during your career, and you’ll certainly not be equally enthusiastic about all of them - and that’s completely natural. However, you should treat them all with respect. They might become your closest colleague, boss or most important partner in the future. It doesn’t cost a thing to be polite or speak nicely to people, but the reward may be great”.
Martin Lønsmann, a graduate from the MSc in Engineering programme, represented the graduates and sent himself and his fellow graduates on their way with the words “You don't climb mountains without a team, you don't climb mountains without being fit, you don't climb mountains without being prepared and you don't climb mountains without balancing the risks and rewards. And you never climb a mountain on accident - it has to be intentional. We did it, the mountain is climbed. Stop and enjoy the view. Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes a bit longer”.
Recipients of this winter’s graduate awards:
The engineering award:Kristian Jessen and Mikkel Petersen, BSc in Engineering (Electronic Engineering) – sponsored byKK Wind Solutions A/S - presented by Rasmus Nielsen, Software Manager, KK Wind Solutions A/S
The MSc in Engineering award:Charlotte Søgaard Kristensen, MSc in Engineering – sponsored by Hans Foxbys Fond - presented by Torben Tambo, BTECH
Winter graduate of the yearJesper Lantz, MSc in Engineering – sponsored by Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy - presented by Claus Sejdelin Schrøder, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy