PhD defence: Lise Andersen
Managing Institutional Logics in Collaborative Sustainable Innovation.

Info about event
Lise Andersen will defend her PhD dissertation entitled "Managing Institutional Logics in Collaborative Sustainable Innovation” on February 5 2021 at 3 pm in Microsoft Teams.
The defence is public and open to all.
The link will be open from 14.45 pm so participants have time to access before the defence begins.
Torben Andersen heads the defence.
Assessment committee:
- Professor Rick Edgeman, Robbins College of Business & Entrepreneurship, Fort Hays State University, USA
- Professor Arne Remmen, Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Aalborg University
- Associate Professor Sladjana Nørskov, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University (chairman)
- Annabeth Aagaard, Aarhus University