PhD defence: Dnyandeo Shinde
Enhancing Productivity of Higher Technical Education Based on TPM Concept.
Info about event
Dnyandeo Shinde will defend his PhD dissertation entitled "Enhancing Productivity of Higher Technical Education Based on TPM Concept” on May 27 2021 at 9 am in Microsoft Teams.
The defence is public and open to all.
The link will be open from 8.45 am so participants have time to access before the defence begins.
Torben Andersen heads the defence.
Assessment committee:
• Associate Professor Sofoklis Kyriazakos, Aarhus University (chair)
• Professor Knud Erik Skouby, Aalborg University
• Professor Susanne Durst, Tallinn University of Technology
Professor Ramjee Prasad
Professor Morten Falch
Professor Rajendra G. Tated
Download dissertation here.