PhD defence: Dafni Despoina Avgoustaki
Growth perspectives of indoor vertical farming systems in cities: The sustainable energy-based approach.

Info about event
Dafni Despoina Avgoustaki will defend her PhD dissertation entitled "Growth perspectives of indoor vertical farming systems in cities: The sustainable energy-based approach.” on April 23 2021 at 3 pm in Microsoft Teams.
The defence is public and open to all.
Link to defence
The link will be open from 14.45 pm so participants have time to access before the defence begins.
Allan Gross heads the defence.
Assessment committee:
• Associate Professor Ivan Paponov, Aarhus University (chair)
• Professor Murat Kacira, The University of Arizona
• Researcher Aspasia Efthimiadou, Department of Soil Science of Athens
George Xydis