Ph.D. defence: Purnima Lala Mehta
A self-itinerant intelligent aerial radio architecture (SIIARA)
Info about event
To complete the PhD study programme in Business Development and Technology, Purmina Lala Mehta presents her PhD dissertation, giving a public lecture followed by a defence with the following title:
"A self-itinerant intelligent aerial radio architecture (SIIARA): for coverage and capacity enhancement"
Time and venue
9 April at 13:00 in room 2052, Birk Centerpark 15, 7400 Herning. After the defence, which is public and open to all, the department will host a reception in room 2025.
Deadline for registration: April 3, 2018 to Charlotte Bergdahl on mail
Assessment committee
- Associate Professor Albena Mihovska, Aarhus University, chair
- Professor Walther Konhaeuser, the Technical University of Berlin
- Professor Vinod Kumar, ENST-Paris