PhD defence: Nandkumar Kulkarni

Green Multi-Objective Hybrid Routing in Wireless Sensor Network with Cross-Layer Optimization Approach

Info about event


Friday 25 January 2019,  at 09:00 - 13:00

To complete the PhD study programme in Business Development and Technology, Nandkumar Kulkarni presents his PhD dissertation, giving a public lecture followed by a defence with the following title: 

" Green Multi-Objective Hybrid Routing in Wireless Sensor Network with Cross-Layer Optimization Approach”

Time and venue

25 January at 09:00 in “Utzon House 1”, Birk Centerpark 40, 7400 Herning. After the defence, which is public and open to all, the department will host a reception in “Utzon House 1”.

Assessment committee 

  • Associate Professor Sofoklis Kyriazakos, Aarhus University (chair) 
  • Professor Kwang Cheng Chen, University of South Florida, USA
  • Professor Frederic Harris, San Diego State University, USA

Deadline: 18 January 2018. For registration send an email to Janni Salomonsen: