Ph.D.-defence: Maryam Rahimi
Coorperative Mimo Solutions for HBC and Future Wireless Application
Info about event
Department for Businessdevelopment and Technology
To complete the PhD study programme in Business Development and Technology, Maryam Rahimi presents her PhD dissertation, giving a public lecture followed by a defence with the following title:
" Cooperative Mimo Solutions for HBC and Future Wireless Application”
Time and venue
18 September at 10:00 in “Utzon House 2”, Birk Centerpark 40, 7400 Herning. After the defence, which is public and open to all, the department will host a reception in “Utzon House 2”.
Assessment committee
- Professor Allan Gross, Aarhus University (Chair)
- Associate Professor Kaj Bjarne Jacobsen, DTU, Denmark
- Professor Vinod Kumar, EMST, France
Deadline: 12 September 2018. For registration send an email to Janni Salomonsen: