Mikkel Lund Nüssler


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Mikkel Lund Nüssler

Areas of expertise

  • Operations & Quality Management
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Industrial Statistics
  • Statistical Process Control/6 sigma
  • Quality Assurance

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


 I live in Beder with my wife and two daughters.

In my spare time I’m actively engaged in nature conservation and I’m currently responsible for sea trout conservation in Østjylland. I’m part of the board of directors in ØKK and AROS.


My main area of research and teaching at Btech are within the field of Operations and Quality Management with a special focus on the use of statistics to support decision making at all levels within organizations.

Most recently, my research has focused on different aspects of sustainability and GHG/decarbonization improvements within the field of Operations and Supply Chain Management from both an engineering/technical perspective as well as a managerial.

Teaching activities

I have been part of Btech since 2016, and part of AU (BSS Erhvervsøkonomi/Handelshøjskolen i Aarhus) since 2001.

At Btech, I teach the courses Operations & Quality Management I & II (GMM) and Quality Management (BDE elect).


I have +25 years’ experience working as an external analytical consultant for companies in both Denmark and globally.

Selected publications

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